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  • Writer's pictureMat Turner

How I meditate

Meditation is a helpful tool for those who experience 'constant chatter ' but for some they feel that no matter what they just can not stop the numerous thoughts, they can't seem to concentrate .

This may help some of you ! First of all many times your mind will wonder and this is ok , don't worry just keep remembering to concentrate on your breath.

Normally I just do 10 mins 3 times a day especially if I am feeling too excited, it just helps to stabilise my mood. As a person that suffered from Bi Polar I learned that getting too excited was just as bad as feeling low , infact at times it can be worse as you feel indestructable and take risks.

First of all I find myself a place where I feel comfortable, sit down, hands on knees , cross legs if you can.

Take in a few slow deep breaths ( through the nose ) in and out concentrating on filling up my lungs equally allow your stomach to fill as you breath in . Breathe in for around 6-8 seconds and out the same making sure you get all the air out , sit up straight

Already you are concentrating because it takes effort !

While you are doing this observe what is out there infront of you, look at the horizon and then gradually notice the things a little closer . ( keep your breath slow )

The next thing I do is listen to the sounds and pick out the one furthest away for a few moments and close my eyes just listening , breathing and allowing the sounds that are closer to come in.

Everytime a distracting thought comes in remember your breath ...It balances you



With your eyes closed focus on the middle of your forehead ( inbetween the eyes )

Breathe gently ,

Just keep going for around 10 mins There is only you , nature and your breath, you will feel safe , thankful, calm and content .

Open your eyes slowly and look out again, you may feel thankful. It dosn't matter if you are religeous or not just put your palms make a little bow to nature and say thank you to whoever, whatever you feel , be humble.

I know that 10 mins is almost like a week in a depressive mind it helps a lot and the effects of meditation can help to keep you grounded for most of the day , if you start to feel those feelings again just check yourself in again to your favorite place and give mind a break .

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